


Friday 17 April 2015


The Director General of the Tanzania Meteorological Agency wishes to re-announce availability of training opportunities for Meteorological Technicians within the Agency. This announcement was earlier made on 12 December 2014. For those who have already applied are not supposed to re-apply.
  1.  Form six leavers with two principal passes in mathematics and physics. Passes in chemistry and geography will be an added advantage.
  2.  Should be not more than 22 years of age by 12 December 2014.
  3.  Women are highly encouraged to apply.

Mode of application:
Applicants are required to pay a non-refundable processing fee of TShs. 10,000 through NMB Bank, A/C Name-Tanzania Meteorological Agency, A/C No. 20101000013.

Duly filled application forms with detailed curriculum vitae, copies of certified academic certificates, three referees, a recent photograph, daytime telephone numbers and bank pay in slip should be mailed to:

Director General,
Tanzania Meteorological Agency,
P.O. Box 3056,
Fax: + 255-22-2460735
Dar es Salaam.

Deadline : 22/April/2015

Please note that application forms may be downloaded from the TMA or obtained from Tanzania Meteorological Agency Headquarters, 3rd  floor,  Ubungo Plaza, Morogoro Road, Dar es Salaam

It should be noted that applications sent without application forms will not be considered and only short listed candidated will be contacted.

Successfully candidates will be required to undergo one year training course at the Agency’s National Meteorological Training Centre, Kigoma. Employment will only be granted after successful completion of the Course.

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