


Saturday 26 September 2015


The government has assured continuous cooperation with Tanzania Media Foundation (TMF) in improving rural reporting and help rural dwellers to get timely and accurate information.
The Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Information, Youth Culture and Sports Sihaba Nkinga  said this while launching the TMF in Dar es Salaam mid-week that such environment will enable the public to easily access informaation.
Nkinga said the country is one of the countries in Africa with a number of news outlets with 115 radio stations, 29 television stations and more than 900 print media outlets, yet it lacks rural reporting.
She said in order to move forward, collective efforts are needed by the government, media stakeholders and the public to ensure accessible and well packaged news content for the betterment of the nation.
“The government will work hand in hand to ensure laws of the country are  supportive and followed so as to safeguard the journalists and the public”, she added.
TMF Managing Director Ernest Sungura said the foundation stands for an independent, quality, diverse and vibrant media in the country enabling investigative and public interest journalism.
He said through funding and learning activities, the foundation support quality journalism with accountable journalists that will serve the public interest and contribute to the debate on different issues across people’s daily lives.
Meanwhile TMF awarded varioys Media houses and journalists for their knowledge and contribution the public
Such awards went to Jamii forum, Sunrise Radio, Faraja Radio, CG fm Radio and TAMWA. Journalists who scoped the award on the other habd include; Mwamini Andrea (TBC), Hawa Msangi (Sunrise fm Arusha), Peninah Kajura (Kill fm) and Festo Sikagonamo on Good governance. 
TMF is supported by Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), UK’s Department for International Development (DFID), Irish Aid and The Royal Danish Embassy.

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