


Thursday 30 July 2015


Speaker Jacob Oualanyah (L)  ruled that Section 7 of the Local Government
Speaker Jacob Oualanyah (L) ruled that Section 7 of the Local Government Act provides for creation of the new counties while Betty Nambooze (R) objected in a minority report, saying the creation of the counties would create divisions and conflicts.  
By  Yasiin Mugerwa
PARLIAMENT- Lawmakers have approved the creation of 65 new constituencies and recommended that the Electoral Commission (EC) should immediately confirm them as constituencies.
The MPs want the EC to conduct elections for Members of Parliament in the new counties in the 2016 elections.
The main committee report of the Public Service and Local Government yesterday recommended the creation of the counties. It, however, observed that this would see the number of MPs rise from 384 to 425.
The committee chairperson, Ms Grace Freedom Kwiyucwiny (Zombo), told Parliament yesterday that the current sitting space would not accommodate these large numbers, but that also there would be considerable cost of administration and facilitation of MPs in the subsequent financial years.
They recommended that the proposed counties as scrutinised by the committee be approved by Parliament and should be effective (retrospectively) by July 1, 2015.
The original government motion sought to create only 39 counties.
The committee also recommended that the ministry of Finance should urgently provide resources to Parliament to enable it construct a bigger Parliamentary Chamber that is able to accommodate the large numbers of Members of Parliament.
However, shadow minister for local government Betty Nambooze (Mukono Municipality) objected in a minority report, insisting that the creation of the counties would create divisions and conflicts, citing the conflict between Bakiga and Banyankole in Mitooma District.
Ms Nambooze said the committee received evidence that the creation of Ruhinda North would pit the Banyankole against the Bakiga.
Ms Nambooze said the motion to create the new counties was premised on an illegality since on February 26, 2013, the same minister for Local Government presented the Local Government Amendments Bill and Parliament accordingly repealed section 45(1)(a) which provide for counties and administrative units.
Ms Nambooze said the minister and the committee want to run away from the law and that it would be absurd to create the counties which were repealed by Parliament. 
Leader of the Opposition Wafula Oguttu said: “They are creating units to take care of tributes and they are separating Bakiga and Banyankole, balkanising our country in tribal units. When the people of Mitooma came to the committee, they even fought physically.”
However, the Speaker ruled that Section 7(7) of the Local Government Act was not deleted and that this section provides for creation of the new counties.
“The counties were not abolished, they are a creature of the Constitution,” Mr Oulanyah said.
Ms Nambooze insisted that “we could not retain an administrative unit without a council, the counties were repealed when the House abolished county councils.”
The recommendations of the main report and the minority report are subject to Parliamentary approval. Debate on the counties starts today.
Some of the proposed new counties
1. Agago North County
2. Orungo County
3. Lutseshe County
4. Kachumbala County
5. Bukomansimbi South County
6. Elgon County
7. Dokolo South County
8. Gomba West County
9. Kilak North County
10. Ik County
11. Bulamogi North-West County
12. Kabweri County
13. Kashongi County
14. Kibanda North County
15. Chua East County
16. Kole North County
17. Kanyum County
18. Butemba County
19. Kyaka South
20. Mwenge Central
21. Luuka South
22. Maracha East County
23. Kashari South County
24. Ruhinda North County
25. Tepeth County
26. Aruu North County
27. Buyamba County
28. Mawogola North County
29. Dakabela County
30. Ora County
31. Kibale County
32. Tororo North County
33. Kibale East County
34. Aringa North County
35. Aringa South County
36. Kigorobya County
37. Koboko North County
38. Bukuya County
39. Adjumani East County 
40. Busiki County
41.Ruhinda Central County
42.Oyam Central
43.West Budama Central
44.Kilembe County
45.Buhweju East
46. Buhweju West
47.Namisindwa County
48.Bukusu county
49.Buhaguzi East
50.Tochito County
51.Budiope Central
52.Bugangaizi South West
52.Ngora South county
53.Buwekula South
54.Soi County
55.Kapir county
56.Gogonyo county
57.Bungokho East county
58.Bungokho Central county
59.Namayingo South
60.Kioga North

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