


Monday 20 April 2015


Wemali has been accused by national junior team female runners of sexually harassing them. PHOTO BY David AWORI 
KAPCHORWA/KAMPALA. In Sebei Region, Peter Wemali is a feared man. 

He is considered to have supernatural powers. In fact many didn’t believe the embattled athletics coach could be arrested. It was thus no surprise that hundreds turned up at Kapchorwa Magistrate’s Court as Wemali, charged with defilement and rape of three female runners, was remanded last Thursday. Before he reached court, though, Wemali’s ‘magical powers’ caused some panic. As Police transferred him from Kampala to Kapchorwa, the car they were travelling got involved in an accident along the Northern Bypass. The pick-up car was knocked by a trailer. James Ruhweza, the Sipi Regional Police Commander, confirmed the accident and revealed the trailer had been impounded and parked at Lugazi Police Station. Whereas none of the police officers suffered injuries, the driver of the trailer was arrested.
Journalists waiting to cover Wemali’s arrival in Kapchorwa, too, had a share of the scare. While camping at Sipi Region police headquarters, the journalists were attacked by a swarm of bees, which sent them scampering for dear life. 
Lawrence Mwangusyo, the chief editor of Sabiny Today, a local newspaper, and David Awori, the NTV Busia correspondent, were the most unfortunate in the bee attack. 
The duo required treatment at a local clinic in Kapchorwa town, before resuming duty. From Kampala, Wemali underwent mental and HIV/Aids check-ups conducted by the Police surgeon in Mbale.
Upon arrival in Kapchorwa, the coach was taken to the regional police headquarters where he recorded a charge and caution statement. Charge and caution statements are administered by a magistrate, judge or senior police officer to suspects involved in capital cases. 
That part also came with some drama. A police officer at the station indicated it took more than an hour before Wemali accepted to record the statement. Midway through the process, the coach requested for a toilet break, causing further delays.
Residents have say
Wemali, who has been in the spotlight since last March when national junior team female runners accused him of sexually harassing them during a training camp in Bukwo, was remanded to Kapchorwa Prison until April 30 when his case comes up for further mention. 
Outside court, residents and athletes were excited by the proceedings. 
David Kiprono, a Kapchorwa resident, lashed out at Uganda Athletics Federation (UAF), for turning a blind eye as Wemali harassed young runners for many years. 
“He came here from Kenya claiming to be a fortune teller, a pastor and a healer. I wonder how a witchdoctor ended up becoming a national coach,” Kiprono said. 
“Let justice take its course. Whoever commits crime should face the law.”
Grace Chesanga, a 50-year-old mother, said they now finally believe there is rule of law in the country following Wemali’s arrest 
“These young runners are a source of income and hope to their families. They are the pride of this country but this man is ruining their future,” Chesang said.
“We as parents were wondering why Wemali had not been arrested He deserves life imprisonment.”

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