


Sunday 19 April 2015


Kampala-Results of the second DNA test have confirmed that retired flight captain and businessman John Kassami Kakyo is the biological father of the six-year-old child whose paternity had been contested.
The second set of the DNA test results, which were independently sponsored by Mr Kassami himself to rule out any possibility of alteration by other parties, were done at Little Oak Biotech in Kampala last week.
According to the results, the probability of Mr Kassami being the child’s father is 99.9 per cent, which is the highest level of paternity proof. The name of the child has been concealed because he is a minor.
“The alleged father cannot be excluded as biological father of the child. The probability of paternity is 99.99 per cent as compared to the untested, unrelated man of the African American population,” reads the DNA results report.
The results followed a suit filed by Ms Joan Akello, Capt Kassami’s estranged mistress, who accused him of neglecting his child on false claims that he was not the biological father.
The second DNA results come barely a week after the first DNA report sponsored by Nakawa Court also proved Mr Kassami as the biological father of the boy in question.
The court ordered several DNA tests to be carried out by the different parties for corroboration. The parties included Kassami, his estranged mistress and the court.
The first DNA results, dated April 1, were conducted at MBN Clinical Laboratories Ltd in Kampala. According to the results, all the 15 short tandem repeats (STRs) that were detected matched both of Capt Kassami and the child in question. An STR is defined as a microsatellite consisting of a unit of two to 13 nucleotide repeated hundreds of times in a row on the DNA strand.
The purpose of the second independent set of DNA results was for comparison and also to rule out the possibility of one party altering the results.
The final results were compared and found corroborative.

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