


Friday 31 October 2014


President Seretse Khama Ian Khama

The President, Lt Gen. Seretse Khama Ian Khama, has appointed members of cabinet as follows:

1. Ministry of Agriculture
Minister: Mr Christiaan De Graaf
Assistant Minister: Mr Patrick Pule Ralotsia
2. Ministry of Defence, Justice and Security
Minister: Mr Shaw Kgathi
3. Ministry of Education and Skills Development
Minister: Mr Mokgweetsi Masisi
Assistant Ministers:
1. Dr Unity Dow
2. Mr Moiseraele Goya
4. Ministry of Environment, Wildlife and Tourism
Minister: Mr Tshekedi Khama
5. Ministry of Finance and Development Planning Minister: Mr Ontefetse Kenneth Matambo
6. Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Minister: Dr Pelonomi Venson-Moitoi
7. Ministry of Health
Minister: Ms Dorcus Makgato
Assistant Minister: Dr. Alfred Madigele
8. Ministry of Infrastructure, Science and Technology
Minister: Mr Nonofo Molefhi
9. Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development
Minister: Mr Slumber Tsogwane
Asistant Ministers:
1. Ms Botlogile Tshireletso
2. Mr France van der Westhuizen
10. Ministry of Labour and Home Affairs
Minister: Mr Edwin Jenamiso Batshu
11. Ministry of Lands and Housing
Minister: Mr Prince Maele
12. Ministry of Minerals, Energy and Water Resources
Minister: Mr Onkokame Kitso Mokaila
13. Ministry of State President
Minister: Mr Eric Mothusi Molale
Assistant Minister: Mr Phillip Makgalemele
14. Ministry of Transport and Communications
Minister: Mr Tshenolo Mabeo
15. Ministry of Trade and Industry
Minister: Mr Vincent Seretse
Assistant Minister: Mr Sadique Kebonang
16. Ministry of Youth, Sports and Culture
Minister: Mr Thapelo Olopeng
Meanwhile, the appointment of the Vice President has been withheld pending endorsement of the Vice President by the National Assembly, a matter currently before the courts.

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