


Saturday 2 August 2014


Arusha, Tanzania — The WWF International President Yolanda Kakabadse last week awarded Tanzania's 19 Wildlife Management Areas (WMAs) the 'WWF Leaders for a Living Planet' award in recognition to their conservation efforts.
Kakabadse recently presented the award to the Authorized Association Consortium - AAC Chairperson Amiri Mataka for outstanding achievements in conservation of Wildlife resources, preservation of habitats essential for survival of threatened species and to significantly contribute to sustainable wildlife conservation on village lands in Tanzania,
The Burunge Wildlife Management Area located in Manyara, a neighbouring region with Arusha, along with other 18 WMAs in the country, were also recognized.
WMAs are community-owned resource management areas, typically located near high-value protected areas. They provide a way for communities to gain economically from managing wildlife and other natural resources in a sustainable manner.
The 19 WMAs, serving 146 villages in 28,389-square-kilometre area with a total population of 410,000 people, are home to some iconic species in Tanzania
The award ceremony was attended by the African Wildlife Foundation - AWF Director, John Salehe, WWF Tanzania Country Director, Mr. Bell'Aube Houinato, Speaker of Burunge WMA, Ramadhani Ismail and WWF Tanzania Community Based Natural Resources Management Deputy Coordinator, Asukile Kajuni, Babati District Game Officer- DGO Nashon Makokecha and Leonard Mayeta, representative from the Ministry of Natural Resources & Tourism - MNRT.


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